How does CapCenter's 1% Listing Fee bundle work?

Did you know the Industry's traditional listing fee is 3% of the home sale price? This is about $12,000 for a $400,000 home. Many homes sell within days of listing, and we felt that we could offer top-rated listing services for less, especially through our realty and mortgage bundles.

Sell with 0% listing fee if you also buy and finance with CapCenter within 365 days of closing on your CapCenter listing. If you sell first, we will initially charge a 1.5% listing fee, and then send you a check for the 1.5% difference after you buy and finance your next home with CapCenter. Restrictions apply. Click here to read the latest disclosures about CapCenter's 0% Listing Fee bundle

Sell with 1% listing fee if you also buy with CapCenter Realty within 365 days of closing on your CapCenter listing. If you sell first, we will initially charge a 1.5% listing fee, and then send you a check for the 0.5% difference after you buy your next home with CapCenter. Restrictions apply. Click here to read the latest disclosures about CapCenter's 1% Listing Fee bundle

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